
Keyboard input for HaxeFlixel is provided through the FlxKeyboard class and is available through FlxG.keys.

Key Lists

An object of type FlxKeyList contains a Bool for each key on the keyboard. The values are kept as an array internally, but you can easily refer to them by using special instance variables named after the key. For a full list of all available names look at the FlxKeyList documentation here.

FlxKeyboard uses the three key lists pressed, justPressed and justReleased to keep track of the keys. pressed contains true for all keys that are currently pressed. justPressed only contains true for all keys that have been pressed since the last frame.

Here's an example of how to put it all together:

override public function update(elapsed:Float):Void
	if (FlxG.keys.pressed.UP)
		// The up arrow key is currently pressed
		// This code is executed every frame, while the key is pressed
	if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.LEFT)
		// The left arrow key has just been pressed
		// This code is only executed once, on the frame immediately after the key has been pressed
	if (FlxG.keys.justReleased.LEFT)
		// The left arrow key has just been released
		// This code is only executed once, on the frame immediately after the key has been released


Checking multiple keys

You can check multiple keys at once using the anyPressed(), anyJustPressed() and anyJustReleased() methods of FlxKeyboard. This allows you to bind multiple keys to one action easily, for example controlling the player with either WASD or the arrow keys. These methods take an Array of key names (as Strings) and return true if any of the given keys have the desired property.

override public function update(elapsed:Float):Void
	if (FlxG.keys.anyPressed([LEFT, A]))
		// Move left
	if (FlxG.keys.anyPressed([RIGHT, D]))
		// Move right



For general information on conditionals, please refer to this page.


    This can be used to remove all keyboard-related logic from HaxeFlixel for optimization purposes, which can make sense on mobile targets, which is why it is combined with if="mobile" in the default Project.xml.