8 - Pickups

Now that we have our little guy running around our map, lets give him something to pick up. We'll add some simple coins that will add to the player's score when they are picked up.

  1. Open up your project in Ogmo again, and click Edit Project.

  2. On the Entities tab, add a new entity:

  3. Open up the level we used before, and, on the 'entities' layer, scatter a bunch of coins around:

  4. We're going to make our coins be 8x8 pixels. For the coin's graphic, you can use this image , or make your own. Make sure you save this in assets/images.

  5. Get back into VSCode, and make a new Coin class:

    import flixel.FlxSprite;
    class Coin extends FlxSprite
    	public function new(x:Float, y:Float) 
    		super(x, y);
    		loadGraphic(AssetPaths.coin__png, false, 8, 8);
  6. Now, head back to the PlayState. We need to change our map logic so that when it's loading the entities and sees a coin in our Ogmo file, it will add a Coin object to our state.

  7. First, let's make a group to hold all the coins in. At the top of our class, where we defined all our variables so far, add:

    var coins:FlxTypedGroup<Coin>;

    Groups are like arrays of Flixel objects which can be used in a lot of different ways. In this case, since our group will only be containing coins, we will make it a FlxTypedGroup<Coin>.

    In create(), after we add our walls, and before we initialize our player, we need to initialize and add our coin group:

    coins = new FlxTypedGroup<Coin>();
  8. Next, we just want to change our placeEntities() function to put a coin into our group every time it encounters one in our Ogmo file. At the end of our if statement, add:

    else if (entity.name == "coin")
    	coins.add(new Coin(entity.x + 4, entity.y + 4));

    This will simply create a new coin, tell it to be at the position defined in the Ogmo file (+4 to x and y to center it on the tile), and add it to the coin group.

  9. Now we need to have the player be able to collect the coins. We're going to use an overlap check to do this. In update(), after your FlxG.collide() call, add:

    FlxG.overlap(player, coins, playerTouchCoin);

    This just says: every frame, check if there are any overlaps between the player and the coin group, and if there are, call playerTouchCoin.

  10. Let's add the playerTouchCoin() callback now:

    function playerTouchCoin(player:Player, coin:Coin)
    	if (player.alive && player.exists && coin.alive && coin.exists)

    This function simply verifies that the player and the coin that overlap each other are both alive and exist. If so, the coin is killed (we'll add the score a little later on).

    If you run the game right now, as you walk around the map, each coin you touch will disappear. Works great, but it's a little boring… Let's add a little style!

  11. Go back to your Coin class, and add these functions:

    override function kill()
    	alive = false;
    	FlxTween.tween(this, {alpha: 0, y: y - 16}, 0.33, {ease: FlxEase.circOut, onComplete: finishKill});
    function finishKill(_)
    	exists = false;

    First, we override the kill() function - normally, by calling .kill() on an object, it will set both the alive and exists properties to false. In this case, we want to set alive to false, but we don't want to set exists to false just yet (objects which exists == false don't get drawn or updated). Instead, we initialize a FlxTween.

    FlxTween is a powerful tool that lets you animate an object's properties. For our coins, we want to make it fade out while also rising up.

    We set the duration to 0.33 seconds, and we are using the circOut easing style, to make the tween look a little nicer. Also we want to call finishKill() when the tween has completed, which just sets the coin's exists property to false, effectively removing it from the screen. By default, the tween type is set to ONESHOT so it is only executed once (instead of looping). You can change this by specifying a different type in the tween options, but in our case the default behavior is just what we need.

    The type of the FlxTween complete callback is FlxTween->Void (receives a single FlxTween argument and returns nothing). In this case, we named it _ to indicate that we don't care about it, which is a common Haxe idiom (other than that, there's nothing special about it - to the compiler it's just an argument named _).

Try out the game now, and you'll notice the difference when you pick up coins! We'll do some more of this later on when we start adding 'juice' to our game.

In the next part, we'll talk about enemies!