Using Haxelib

Haxelib is a package manager and utility that comes with your Haxe install. Here are the most used commands, the full usage docs are available here.

Installing a Library

Install a Haxelib library from

haxelib install <library>

Install a Haxelib library from Git:

haxelib git <library> <url> <branch>

Note: haxelib git enables the development directory for that library, which silently prevents haxelib set from working. Use haxelib dev <library> to disable it.

Update your Haxelib libraries, including the ones from Git:

haxelib upgrade

Change to different version of a library:

haxelib set <library> <version>

Remove a library:

haxelib remove <library>

Using An Installed Library

To use a library in your HaxeFlixel project, add it to your project.xml:

<haxelib name="<library>" />

Updating Haxelib itself

To make sure you are using the latest version of Haxelib you can run the selfupdate command.

haxelib selfupdate